Get All Your Linux shaered Web Hosting Needs Satisfied With A Great Linux Hosting Plan From Gesture
* Free domain name only applies to .com, .org, and .net. Domain name registrations are non-refundable. If customer cancels their yearly web hosting plan before their year is up and they received a free domain name with signup, the normal domain name registration fee of $10.95 will be assessed and subtracted from any pro-rated refunds provided. ** Sum of disk space of all components (web, e-mail, disk space, etc) cannot exceed total plan Disk Space. For example, if plan limit is 5 GB, and you have two mail accounts at 1GB each, a database at 1 GB, and web site files at 2 GB, you have reached your plan's limit and you must add additional disk space to your plan to continue adding more mail accounts, files, or databases. ![]() |
Ready in less than 5 minutes! Just upload it to your webserver, run the installer and you are ready to serve some customers!
File uploads, Smiley features, sound effects combined with super clean interface offers the best support experience you'll ever need!
What is more portable than the World Wide Web? Access your clients from anywhere, anytime. Even on your friends computer or in cybercaffe!
It never ends! We release new updates and features every month! And they all come for free on Update System. and it's yours for life!