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home | delayedpopup | exitbutler | framelesspopup | meta-genrator-html-java | poppage-genrator | popunder | rotatingbanner | rotatinghomepage | sms-toll-script | tellafriend 
This generator will make a javascript that will pop up a window containing a specified URL and optionally center the popup window for you. Fill in the values below and click Make Code.
What filename should be opened?
(filename or http://....)
Would you like it to have toolbars? Yes
Would you like the window to have scrollbars? Yes
Would you like it to have the location bar? Yes
Would you like it to have a status bar? Yes
Would you like it to have a menu bar? Yes
Would you like it to be resizeable? Yes
How wide would you like it to be? (in pixels)
How high would you like it to be? (in pixels)
How should the window be opened?
Should we center the window on screen? Yes


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