Акции и промоции

Hotel Booking system promo code Get 50% discount “HOTELOFF”

  • 17та Август 2014
  We are pleased to announce that today we introduced to our offer  ,June-Oct  is another great month for us and for Hotelier  community out there. Here comes one crazy news for all of you here. The Hotel Booking System sale . This time we are offering the Hotel Reservation System   for ...
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WHMCS Legal app introductory offer promo code Get 50% discount

  • 21ул. јуни 2014
We are pleased to announce that today we introduced to our offer  ,June-July  is another great month for us and for whmcs community out there. Here comes one crazy news for all of you here. The WHMCS LEGAL MODULE  sale . This time we are offering the legal apps  for only$49. Isn’t that crazy ? ...
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Meet you to the WHD.india May 27th to May 28th 2014 in Mumbai Get Promo Code

  • 22нд Мај 2014
We are very pleased to meet  you to the WHD.india from May 27th to May 28th 2014 in Mumbai. Meet Nitish in what promises to be the next biggest event of the WorldHostingDays series. Because we appreciate your attendance we offer you a free pass to the event!  WHD.india WHD.india unites local industry experts and decision makers of the South ...
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WHD.Global 2014:Germany Europa Park 20% Off Use Promo Code "whdglobal2014"

  • 2нд април 2014
With a view to further developing our cooperation,we will be appearing live at the WHD.global 2014 in Germany(europa Park) to, among other things,talk with Sebastian Pitak about custom software development and Back Office Setup In india and to find solutions allowing us to improve current functionality of our services/productsYou will be able ...
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