How much does it cost to own a domain name?

Different Registrar may have different pricing. We do domain name registrations for Rs.495 per year. No third party will bill you for the domain name except us. To clarify and assure you further their will be only one bill for Rs.450 per ear that too raised by us and nothing else (There are no hidden charges for the same.) 
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Do you offer hosting on Linux and Windows Platform?

Yes window/linux shaered host- vps-dedicate server -email server

What are the plans and prices for the same?

To find the details about plans and Prices. 

Do you have your own servers?

Yes we have our own 5 dedicated servers in UK

Do you have your own servers?

Yes we have our own 5 dedicated servers in UK 

How old is your company? GESTURE

We are into business since 1997.