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Escolha a Moeda:

BK-05 - Backup Space 5 GB ,Accessibility 1 User AccountBandwidth Unlimited Due to data protection laws, we are unable to ship failed or damaged hard drives to customers. We therefore strongly recommend that you either purchase a backup plan with ourselves or ensure that you maintain proper backups of your data. R1Soft CDP Solution is a backup software application that enables disk-based data protection

BK- 50 - Backup Space-50 GB ,Accessibility-1 User Account,Bandwidth-Unlimited Due to data protection laws, we are unable to ship failed or damaged hard drives to customers. We therefore strongly recommend that you either purchase a backup plan with ourselves or ensure that you maintain proper backups of your data. R1Soft CDP Solution is a backup software application that enables disk-based data protection

Secure Transaction Este procedimento é feito em um ambiente seguro e por motivos de segurança, seu endereço de IP () será gravado.