Des articles
Our are servers will work with text-mode browsers like Lynx because they are truly virtual--you...
As a reseller, can I have my own resellers?No, our control panels do not support resellers of resellers. However, this may be possible in...
Can I access my domain address with or without the "www"?Yes, you will be able to access the domain address with or without the "www" in front of the...
Can I change my domain name?No. once a domain name is registered it can not be changed or altered, the only way out is to buy...
Can I do it personally?There are a lot of search engines that accept free listing to improve the strength of their...
Can I pay with credit card or do I need to issue a check/Draft?yes accept credit cards .PAY ONLINE Now you can pay for our services through CANARA BANK from...
Can I resell my space to have subdomains?We only allow 1 domain name per IP address. You can have pointed domains but we do not allow the...
Can I run cgi scripts outside your CGI-BIN directory?No, cgi scripts must be kept in the cgi-bin directory.
Can I run two croon tasks to update pages daily?Yes!
Can we set up password protected areas with htaccess?Yes you can.
Do I get a personal DNS for my reseller account?Yes, we will configure a personal DNS server for your reseller account upon your request. We will...
Do I have FTP access to all my customers domains from one FTP account?No. Due to the distributed nature of our web servers, it is not possible to have one login that...
Do I need to go for website promotion when I already have my own website?Today, almost 87% of the visitor traffic on the Internet is generated from search engines. Hence,...
Do you charge additional fees for using the mySQL database?No.
Do you have CGI. Pm installed and useable?Yes!
Do you have FTP and FTP Anonymous access? Do you have a Service Level Agreement for Dedicated Servers?Yes, we have an SLA available here for dedicated servers. The equipment and network...
Do you have a database system?We use MySQL on Linux and MSAccess & MSSQL for windows.
Do you have a guarantee or an SLA that my sites will be available consistently?We do have a 30 day money back guarantee which you can view here . However, we do not have...
Do you have a limit on the FTP transfer?No. There is no limit on number of updates one makes as you can update your pages an unlimited...
Do you have send mail installed?Yes!
Do you have to have a domain name to sign up for a hosting plan?Yes, all customers must have a domain name to get an account. You can register one with us.
Do you have your own servers?Yes we have our own 5 dedicated servers in UK
Do you have your own servers?Yes we have our own 5 dedicated servers in UK
Do you host foreign domains?Yes we host all types of domains foreign and domestic.
Do you offer dial-up Internet access?No, you will need local Internet access in order to maintain your website and retrieve e-mail...
Do you offer hosting on Linux and Windows Platform?Yes window/linux shaered host- vps-dedicate server -email server
Do you provide a CGI-BIN personal directory?Yes, a CGI-BIN is provided.
Do you support Cold Fusion?Yes, with server having spare control panel.
Do you support Java servlets (JSP)?Only on windows 2000 servers.
Do you use Netscape's SSL technology?We use Apache-SSL which is several times more secure than Netscape SSL.
Does destination support Macintosh systems?Sure. You can use the Fetch program to transfer files from your MAC to our system. You can also...
Does e destination offer SSI?SSI is on all of our servers. You just need to be sure that you call your files with the .shtml...
Does each virtual server have its own raw log files?Yes. You have your own raw log files.
For how many number of years a domain can be booked?You can book a domain for 1 year to maximum 10 years in one go @ Rs.495 per year per domain name...
How can I manage my e-mail users (add/remove/update)?To add or delete POP boxes, use Mail Manager or...
How difficult is it to use and manage my VPS?An Gesture VPS is pretty much like any other Windows desktop computer and you can treat it...
How do I choose a domain name for my Web site?You want to select a name that will be easy for your customers or potential customers to...
How do I manage my VPS?VPS management is quite easy. When your VPS is set up, you can log into it as if you were logging...
How long does it take for a new Domain Name to register?Registering a domain, it takes us five minutes to register it on your name, However it may take...
How long does it take for me to see a new domain name?Within minutes of booking, the domain name will be showed not available at...
How long does it take to set up my Dedicated Server?We will have your dedicated server set up wtihin 48 business hours. You will receive an e-mail...
How long does it take to set up my VPS?We will have your VPS set up within 24 business hours. You will receive an e-mail with your...
How long does it take to set up my account with Gesture once I sign up on your web site?Once your order has been reviewed to ensure it is not fraudulent, we will approve your signup and...
How long will it take for my site to be listed on search engines and directories?The submission exercise can extend up to a week or just few days depending on the number of...
How many domain names may I have?You can have as many as you want. There is no restriction on that as there are many customers...
How many sites are hosted by you?At present we have served no less than 10000+ customers/ domains.
How much does it cost to own a domain name?Different Registrar may have different pricing. We do domain name registrations for Rs.495 per...
How much is extra bandwidth and/or storage space?It is Re.0.50 per MB per month with a limit of 10 gig total.
How old is your company? GESTUREWe are into business since 1997.
I have come across a lot of services who claim they submit to 75,000 or 300,000 search engines. I need something concrete to decide against it?The basic catch here is to collect email addresses for use in unsolicited email or Spam. Once...
I would like to know if you support VRML 1.0 and 2.0 mime types wrl and muss?We support these. You can set your own mime types with your .btaccess file. Go through your...
I' ve been told that the search engines will drop your web site every month and that's why some services offer monthly re-submissions. Is this true?The search engines do not actually drop your website. To keep the rotation of listing the search...
Is a shell account included?No, it is not included.
Is there a limit to how many email accounts can be forwarded?The only limit is the quantity of email accounts your current plan has prorata to web space.
Mail server Solutions ?We understand the needs of a growing business and we provide you precisely that. Being in this...
May I promote my web site with bulk email?Spamming is in violation of our service agreement. There are legal and ethical issues involved in...
My site is not working?Check the 'www' directory in the file manager and see if the index page is named correctly and...
Under the reseller plans, how many MS SQL databases am I allowed to create?This depends on the reseller plan you are under. Please visit the reseller plan page for more...
Web Hosting Solutions Feature?Functionality Packed Web-Based Control Panel: The Hosting Packages can be managed through our...
What are the domain renewal charges with and renewal charges are Rs.599 p.a.with whereas the charges are less...
What are the plans and prices for the same?To find the details about plans and Prices.
What are your Reseller backup policies?Gesture backs up Reseller Hosting servers weekly, and in some cases daily. In the event of...
What are your server types?We use Linux and Windows 2000 both.
What cgi scripts are preinstalled?, and count.cgi
What characters may I use in my domain name?Your domain name can be as long as 67 characters. The domain must consist only of letters,...
What extension can I have on the end of my Domain Name?Here below are the most commonly used extensions for global identity, Apart from that mode...
What if I wish to change my web space hosting to a different domain?As we bill on yearly basis so changing the hosting to a different domain rather than for the...
What if I wish to change my web space hosting to a different domain?As we bill on yearly basis so changing the hosting to a different domain rather than for the...
What if the domain name I want is already taken?If the name you would like has already been registered by another company, you will want to be...
What is InterNIC, I have heard about it?InterNIC was the agency which was the sole authority for registration of domain names ending with...
What is Web Mail? web mail is a web based system that performs the functions of a mail client,...
What is a VPS and what's the difference between a VPS and a Dedicated Server?A VPS, or Virtual Private Server, is a completely independent server operating system designed so...
What is a domain name?A domain name is an alias of an IP number address. When one signs up to put a Web site on the...
What is a virtual domain?A Virtual Domain means having your own domain ( without having to...
What is it that makes your services different?The most effective difference in our submission is that it is done manually employing the...
What is the detailed procedure for registering a new domain name?Visit our website check the domain name you want to register, if the domain name is available you...
What is the time needed to make space on your server available?Space will be made available the same business day! Once an account is set-up an activation...
What kind of physical hardware are your dedicated servers?We use DELL PowerEdge servers for our dedicated servers. These are usually single or dual...
What kind of uptime do your servers have?Our NOC has a 99.9% uptime rating. Our servers are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What level of control do I have over my customers web sites?As a reseller, you have the ability to manage all of your customers domains, including...
What programs can be used to access e-mail?All POP clients can be used: pine, elm, Netscape mail, Outlook, etc. You can use any program...
What should I do as I am not able to send emails?Send us mail via using web mail.
Which languages are supported in CGI (e.g. Bourne shell, Perl, Java)?Bourne, Shell, and Perl are all supported and available e destination does not offer Java support...
Who maintains server updates and patches?Gesture will ensure that your servers are consistently patched with the latest Microsoft...
Who owns the Domain Name we register?You become the owner of the domain name after we register. You are the Registrant,...
Who will bill me?Surely we. If we register we are the one to bill you and you have to make payment to us only....
Whom and How to make payments?Currently we take payments through Cash/ Cheques/ Drafts. Cheques/Drafts are to be made in...
what is CGI access?CGI scripts (Common Gateway interface) are used to provide things like counters, form responses,...