Des articles

 Can DomainIt provide me with an IP address?

Although DomainIt assigns each hosted Domain name an IP address, we are not in the business of...

 Can I cancel a registration after submitting the form?

Once the registration process has been initiated it can't be canceled, so choose your domains...

 Can I host multiple websites?

Yes, you can host multiple websites, but you will need to setup a separate website hosting plan...

 Can I pay by means other than a credit card?

No. At this time we are only able to accept payment by credit card,including Visa, Mastercard,...

 Can I sell my domain name that I registered?

Yes, once you register the domain name, it is yours to sell or do what you want with, provided...

 Can I track how many people visit my website?

Yes! With your website hosting plan, you will have access to in-depth website statistics...

 Can I upgrade accounts?

Yes, you can upgrade your hosting account at any time. All you need to do is login into your...

 Can I use CGI on my website?

Yes! You can use CGI on your website. In fact, DomainIt offers several free, ready-to-use CGI...

 Can I use Microsoft FrontPage?

You can use FrontPage or any other FTP enabled software to upload your web site. However, you...

 Can you guarantee that my website will rank high in the search engines?

There are many search engine optimization companies out there that will guarantee that you will...

 Do I need a domain name to have a website?

While a domain name is not necessary to have a website, it is recommended. Whether you are...

 Do I need to do anything after I achieve a high ranking?

Yes! You need to continuously add new content and update your existing content. Please keep in...

 Do you have an instant site design tool?

Yes! We offer an instant site design tool at that includes a free...

 Do you offer any free, ready-to-use CGI scripts?

Yes! We offer several free, ready-to-use CGI scripts including visitor counters, guestbooks, and...

 How and when will I be notified about renewing my domain name?

You will be sent an email notification 6 months prior and every month after that up until the...

 How can I be sure the domain name I requested has been registered to me?

You will receive an email confirmation of your domain name registration once it is complete. You...

 How can I find out if the domain name I want is still available?

DomainIt provides a domain name search engine that can instantly tell you whether or not the name...

 How can I find out more about country domains (ccTLDs)?

DomainIt offers a huge list of,  From Albania to Yugoslavia,...

 How can I get a Web Design Template?

Browse through our selection of more than 2500 unique web design templates. When you select the...

 How can I make sure my registration information is secure?

Your registration is submitted via our secure form. This form encrypts all of your registration...

 How can I register a .in, .ca, or .mx domain through DomainIt?

DomainIt offers a huge list of country and alternate domains ( From...

 How can I transfer my website from another host to DomainIt hosting?

Transferring your website from another host can seem like a daunting process, but we're here to...

 How do I cancel and stop my web site from appearing in search results?

Once submitted, it is not possible to remove your site from a search engine's results unless the...

 How do I change the description and/or keywords before the next submission?

If you would like to change your site's description, keywords, or any other information, please...

 How do I login to my hosting control panel?

You can login to your website hosting control panel here.

 How do I pick a hosting plan?

When picking a website hosting plan, you need to have an idea of what you want to do with your...

 How do I renew my account?

Your hosting account will be renewed automatically on a monthly basis, or you can log in to your...

 How do I setup URL forwarding?

When you register a domain name with DomainIt, you will receive a free URL forwarding. Once your...

 How do I transfer a domain name?

It's easy to transfer your domain name to DomainIt. Simply go to our transfer page and enter...

 How do I transfer my Domain name to another provider?

com/net/org Domains registered before 12/31/99:Approach your chosen provider and fill out their...

 How do I update my website?

To update your website, you will need an FTP program. There are several great free programs...

 How do I use an FTP client?

If you do not know how to use an FTP client, please use our step by step Setup Guides, as seen on...

 How important is it to have links to my website from other websites?

This is perhaps the most important step in optimizing your website for the search engines. Many...

 How long does it take for my hosting account to be setup?

Your website hosting account will be setup immediately. You will receive an email confirmation...

 How long does it take to be submitted to search engines and directories?

The time taken for your site to appear varies greatly as each search engine has a different time...

 How long does it take to transfer a domain name?

Transfers are generally completed within 2-3 days.

 How long is my domain name valid?

You have the option of registering your domain name for 1-10 years. If you select 1 year, your...

 How long will it take for me to rank high?

Remember that high search engine rankings do not happen overnight. After optimizing your website...

 How long will it take to register my domain name?

Your domain name is registered in a matter of minutes, provided the registration form is filled...

 How many pages should I submit to search engines and directories?

It depends on the nature of the site. For example, if your site promotes vacations, you may have...

 How much does it cost to backorder a domain name?

You pay nothing up front to backorder a domain name! There is no risk as you only pay if we...

 How much does it cost to register a domain name?

Each domain name is also subject to an annual maintenance fee which varies depending on the...

 How should I optimize my website content for a niche?

Remember that you will only be able to optimize for what your website can actually handle. If...

 How should I optimize my website content for search engines and directories?

Incorporating your chosen keywords into your page content is even more important that putting...

 How should I optimize my website with keywords?

Search engines and directories use keywords to help determine which sites to list in their search...

 How will I know if my Web site has been successfully submitted to a search engine or directory?

Soon after the submission process is complete, you will receive an email confirmation message...

 I am no longer using my domain name. Can I cancel and request a refund?

No. Once a registration is complete, it is valid for the time frame specified in the purchase...

 I don't have a website yet, why should I register a domain now?

Domain names are going at the rate of more than 200,000 a month. Registering your domain name now...

 I found a domain that has already expired - when can I register it?

In order for an existing domain name to be re-registered by anyone other than the current owner,...

 I have my own web server, how do I get my domain name to point to it?

If you currently have a web server for your site, we can point the Domain name to that server's...

 I received a completion message. Why does my domain name still appear to be available?

Your domain name is registered immediately, but it can take up to 24 hours for some domain names...

 I requested the transfer 4 days ago. Why has my Domain name still not transferred?

In most cases, DomainIt will receive a copy of your registry modification request and we are able...

 Is the price a one time price?

Yes. Once you pay for the template, there are no additional fees for use of the template.

 Is there a charge to point my domain to a different IP?

No, there is no charge to point your domain name to your server IP.

 Meta Tags: What are they, do I need them, and how do I use them?

Meta tags are lines of code at the top of an html page that instruct search engines and give them...

 My domain is already taken! What should I do?

DomainIt has partnered with, a leader in the domain name...

 My domain name has already expired. Is there any way that I can renew it?

If you have accidentally allowed your domain name to expire, you may still be able to renew it...

 My images don't show up on my cloaked URL forwarding. What is the problem?

You will need to make sure that you are using the full images paths (i.e....

 Once my domain name is registered, can anyone else take it?

Your domain name is registered in your name. So long as it has active DNS entries, all the...

 Should I use a site map?

To help search engines find every page on your website, especially if you have a large website...

 What Is Domain

A domain name, a series of textual characters that identifies a specific IP address, uniquely...

 What am I allowed to do with my Web Design Template?

The templates are available for you to build a website in any way that you like. You may not...

 What are Web Design Templates?

Web Design Templates are complete, professionally designed websites. When you purchase a Web...

 What are alt tags?

Alt tags are basically text descriptions for your images. They let search engines know what...

 What are header tags?

Header tags are another form of html code that you can use on your website. They look like this:...

 What are keywords and linking?

When you link to your various pages within your site, you should incorporate your keywords in the...

 What are keywords?

Search engines and directories use keywords to help determine which sites to list in their search...

 What are the advantages of using website hosting versus a free hosting service?

There are several advantages to website hosting over free hosting services, with the first being...

 What characters are allowed in a domain name?

Regardless of the extension, all domain names must follow the same character rules... You can use...

 What do I get with my domain name registration?

Once DomainIt has successfully registered your domain name, we will then act as technical contact...

 What do I name the main page of my website?

You can name the individual files whatever you like, but your main page must be called...

 What happens if I don't renew my domain name by the expiration date?

Within 3-14 days after the domain name expires the domain name will be removed from the name...

 What happens if I have to change my URL?

This is when the URL forwarding is most useful. You simply login to your account and update the...

 What if I misspelled my domain name?

Be VERY careful when registering your domain name. Once you purchase your domain, the order is...

 What is DomainIt's Submit Program and how does it work?

DomainIt's submit program allows your site to be submitted to 1000+ search engines instantly. You...

 What is URL forwarding and how does it work?

URL Forwarding allows you to redirect or 'point' your domain name to another location. Most...

 What is a cloaked URL forwarding?

A cloaked domain is similar to regular URL forwarding, except that your URL will never change in...

 What is an FTP client?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. Using an FTP client is a method to upload, download, and...

 What is the difference between search engines and directories?

Search Engines use sophisticated software to 'crawl' the internet. They are sometimes referred to...

 What is the difference between unique and non-unique prices?

Unique prices are higher because that template will no longer be available for purchase if you...

 What is the domain name backorder service and how does it work?

DomainIt has partnered with, a leader in the domain name aftermarket, to...

 What is the redemption period?

For certain registries, approximately 30 days after a domain name expires it goes into what is...

 What is website hosting?

Website hosting is a service that allows you to upload and store your site's HTML documents and...

 What software packages are the Web Design Templates compatible with?

Web Design Templates are compatible with Adobe GoLive, Microsoft FrontPage, and Macromedia...

 What type of domain names can I register at Domain It?

You can currently register .com, .net, .org, .biz, and .us domain names at DomainIt.

 What type of templates are offered?

We have full HTML web site templates, flash templates, flash intro templates, logo templates, and...

 Which pages should I submit to search engines and directories?

Ideally your main page should be submitted. It is important to note that your main page needs to...

 Which search engines do I get submitted to?

Your site is submitted to over 1000 search engines and directories. Some of the engines included...

 Why and when were domain names introduced?

In the beginning there were IP addresses - long, cumbersome strings of numbers that represented...

 Why can't I find my site listed on a search engine or directory?

Often times search engines do not list a site on first submission simply due to the volume of...

 Why can't I transfer my NEW Domain name to another Registrar?

You can change the DNS at any time by logging into your Account Login. However, per ICANN...

 Why do I want to use meta tags with my cloaked URL forwarding account?

The advantage of using meta tags with your cloaked URL is that you are providing search engines...

 Why should I purchase a Web Design Template?

Web Design Templates allow you to have a complete, professionally designed website for just...

 Why should I submit to 1000+ search engines and directories?

If traffic is important to the success of your site, then it is important to get listed on as...

 Will I receive spam after my site is submitted to search engines and directories?

All submissions are completed using a separate, FREE email address to prevent you from receiving...